Monday, April 09, 2007

VAC Dinner, Birthday, Crazy Fun Life In Costa Rica

Usually I pre write my blogs at home so I can take some time to think about what I have done the past week. But right now I am writing from JUMBO supermarker in Desamparados, Costa Rica. I just bought some Macaroni and Cheese, Pesto Sauce, and Ritz crackers. It is pretty awesome. I am with my friends Lindsay, Bill, and Andrew. We just finished a long day of spanish classes in the morning and then we had individual one on one sessions with our teacher in the afternoon.

Anyways..... VAC dinner. One word... Crazy. Tico 16 held it down strong. The room which me, Bill, and Andrew had ¨Room 514¨the corner room had all the action going down. We all arrived at the hotel around 1 oclock. I went the internet to post my past blog. Then went back to the room to find all of Tico 16 in our room starting to drink. We started off the VAC dinner festivities with our friends Jim Beam, Johnnie Walker, and Mr. Bacardi. We of course had the music flowing and some pre dinner dancing festivities going on. We finally left our room at around 3 went to the actual dinner we immediately upon arrival ordered 4 of the most rediculous shots they had. They were in a large wine glass and they were ¨en fuego¨. We dined on some OK tasting pasta then moved back to the hotel to continue the party. We threw back on the tunes and danced for another 2 or 3 hours in Room 514 then attempted to go to a club in San Jose. We werent very succefull as alot of us didnt bring any ID and couldnt really get in. Seperated and Discouraged we all went back to the hotel to continue the party. We continued our festivities well into the night. Me and the other guys were officially the last peace corps people up in the hotel when we decided to call it a night around 5:30 in the morning. I have to say that Tico 16 came in strong and we were definately the life of the party. We definately set the bar high for our future VAC dinners. The whole event was a lot a lot of fun.

I am really proud to be part of Tico 16. All of us get along really well and we are all really good friends. We all definately know how to party and definately make the best out of any situation. I am glad to be part of such a good group of people for the next 2 years. All I can say is Tico 17 watch out now. You got a lot of good people waiting for you here in Tico 16.

The next important thing was my birthday party. I am very greatful for my host family here to have helped me thrown such a good party. We began on Saturday at around 2 oclock. I invited all of my other volunteer friends and pretty much all but 3 or 4 showed up. We definately had a lot of fun and of course had a dance party. Towards the end we broke out the Karaoke and I sang my new favorite Karaoke song ¨Puerto Limon¨. After the Karaoke we broke out the Birthday cake which when I went to blow out the candles, Bill cordially smashed my face into the cake. It was really funny for everyone else, but I distinctly remember having so much frosting in my mouth and nose that I almost couldnt breath. All in all it was good fun. After the cake we moved over the the local bar which is owned by my host moms brother. Basically in my training community everyone knows everyone and in some way or another your host family is related tosomeone in the community. Its pretty cool. After 4 hours at the bar, half of the timei singing Karoke, and as well drinking some Imperial in between we took the last bus to the town center to watch the rest of the midnight mass. As this weekend was ¨Semana Santa¨the holiest week of the year there were late night ceremonies were some of our friends were playing in the church band. Finally I got home around 1 oclock on my birthday night. It was definately a crazy time, alot of things happened that night which could obviously only happen in Costa Rica. I am really grateful for all of the friends I have made here and that they took the time to spend time with me on my birthday. Also I am thankful for my host family in hosting my awesome birthday party.

During ¨Semana Santa¨ we all had time off from classes, so that allowed us some extra time to explore. I first went with a couple of other volunteer girls to the local waterfall/swimming hole. The waterfall wasnt really to dramatic, it was more like a lot of ¨falling water¨then an actual waterfall. But nonetheless it was really fun and really beautiful and we all got a chance just to hang out. Yesterday I went again to the waterfall with a couple more people and we enjoyed some wine at the waterfall and then went to the bar afterwords.

Things overall have been very good over here. I am definately enjoying my time here but I am also continuing to miss my family and friends back at home. I am thankful to have my other peace corps volunteer friends with me by my side but I cannot forget that within the next month or so we will all be leaving to our seperate sites to begin the ¨real¨work. I am excited to find out my site which will probably happen in 2 weeks. But before that I have another one on one PCV visit where I will be able to see how they live their lives similar to the trip I went on before. As well I am looking forward to our next out of site night were all of Tico 16 is looking to rent a cabin somewhere by the beach and party it up Tico 16 style.

Anyways that is the news for now. If anyone wants to chat more ¨off the record¨ just send me an email as well I can give you my phone number If you would like to call my house. I hope everyone is doing well and I miss you all.

Rudy Becker signing off.

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