Monday, June 25, 2007

Campo 4 Life

Back for another installment of my blog eh? Life is so far so good down here in Costa Rica. Just living it up here in the Campo with my 20 cows, 30 chickens, 5 dogs, 1000 species of insects, 1 Turkey, 1,235 Cockroaches, and 4 horses. As I am settling in more and more, and getting into somewhat of a schedule my days are becoming more and more similar. It seems like a long time for the actual day to pass but the weeks are flying off the calendar.

This past week I continued my English classes at the school. The Kindergartners are learning alot and everytime I come into the school they immediately great me by ¨Rodolfo¨. I go by ¨Rodolfo¨in my town. As well my class with the 1st through 6th graders is going very well at a suprisingly fast pace. They are very eager to learn and are getting use to my weekly classes . I have recently learned how to add photos to my blog so here is a pic of me and the kindergarten class .

This past weekend I went to San Jose with my Tico 16 group. It was a pretty wild time we ended up staying in a new hostel and then hit the city for dinner at a restaurant and then dancing at a discotec. It was great to see some of my friend who I hadnt seen for a month. We are now in the midst of planning another trip over the 4th of July weekend, probably at the beach.

Since nothing really to crazy had happened in the past couple weeks I will try and enlighten you with some pictures of my life here in Costa Rica.

My Crib

Me doing Poi at night

Me on the beach in Dominical

Me and some of the kids I live with.

Me and Bill classing it up after Swearing in.

Cake in the face on my Birthday.

Tico 16

Well that is pretty much it for pictures. If you have any special requests like me with a snake around my neck or me sipping a pina colada in a hot tub overlooking the ocean. I can probably accomodate your requests. Thats all for now.

Pura Vida,


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