Monday, February 26, 2007


First stop : Washington, DC. I arrived in DC this afternoon after a ridiculously long series of flights due to the snow storm in the north east. Once I finally arrived in DC I found out they lost my baggage and had to then wait in line for 45 minutes to fill out a claims form. With no luggage I took a taxi to the hotel. During the taxi ride I received a call half way to the hotel saying they just found my luggage, so I then needed to go back to the airport to pick up the luggage. Oh man, Oh man the joys of traveling. But anyways I made it slightly late to the first set of Peace Corps meeting in the hotel, but it wasn't really a problem.

My training group consists of approximately 5 guys and 13 girls. As well as one couple. All of the trainees seem to be 25 and under and everyone seemed really nice. We started off the meeting with introductions, general peace corps information, and other getting to know each other events. Nothing to crazy for the first day. Tommorow we start at 8:30 am and go till 6pm that should be a long day. After that we leave Wednesday morning at 3:30 to the airport to leave to Costa Rica.

Right now I am feeling pretty excited, but still feeling slightly depressed in having to leave everyone back in New York. But I know everything will work out alright and I will soon be hanging out in sunny Costa Rica as opposed to a dreary Holiday Inn in Washington, DC.

Anyways that is all for now.

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