Monday, July 16, 2007

Campo Life in Costa Rica

Hey all. Glad to be back online and in the real world after a full week of campo life. This past week wasn´t too good for me as I was sick the whole time. I had a terrible cough and sneeze, accompanied with a fever, cold shakes, night sweats, and a never ending headache. Getting sick in the campo is like getting sick in real life, except in the campo you don´t have access to all the homely comforts one is use to when back at home in the US, like proper medicine, proper food, and peace and quiete. But anyways I survived and I am doing a lot better now.

School is back in session. The kids in my town had a 2 week break for mid year vacations. This week I am going to continue my work in the schools. I look forward to getting back into the schedule of teaching English classes as it gives me something to do.  Apparentley the kids in the kindergarten class have been asking for me, and I look forward to teaching them new things and new words like : Giraffe and Hat.

Life at home has been relatively normal except for my sickness. We recently got this new little pig at my house. It runs all over the place, like in the living room, through the kitchen, and generally all over the 
house constantly looking for food scraps. It looks exactly like the little pig named Babe, in the movie Babe. I have nicknamed him ¨porquito¨. He is really cute, but I know we are going to kill him one day and eat him. It´s a pretty sad story.

Talking about killing animals.. I saw the movie Fast Food Nation the other day off of my external Hard Drive which my brother Lucas loaded with movies and TV shows.  It is an excellent movie and I encourage everyone to go out and rent it or buy it. It talks about the meat packing industry as well as the fast food industry. It is awesome, I would give it 4.6 stars out of 5 stars.

Life here in Costa Rica is very much like riding on an emotional rollercoaster. Some days I am feeling great and other days not so much. Like when I was sick this past week I wasn´t doing so well, and sometimes I get really lonely and bored and get depressed. But than other days I wake up and just look around and realize that I am being payed to live in Beautiful Costa Rica, while living in a small rural community helping people, and learning Spanish, with basically zero stress in my life. Everything is Irie, like they would say in Jamaica. But I am glad to say I am definately happy more so than I am sad. If it wasnt the case then I wouldnt be here.

Anwyays that is all for now. I hope everyone is doing well back at home. I checked my mailbox today and I saw nothing, so I will just assume that all those letters are in transit coming to me. Haha.
Tuanis !


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