Friday, September 07, 2007

Life in My Site

So the adjustment from being over a week in the city, enjoying the luxurious of the modern world, took some time to adjust to once I got back to my site. But overall things are very good right now and I am back in the swing of the things, talking spanish and eating rice and beans.

Lately there have been alot of meetings going on in my site. The company ICE (Instituto Costaricense de Electricidad) has been holding alot of meetings regarding the Hydro electric power plant they are going to be building near my site. The meetings are relatively interesting, but they are helping the community in organizing themselves to solicite bigger projects for the town which is very helpful. At the last meeting we watched a 40 year old movie about some town that got completely relocated as a result of the building of the hydroeclectic dam. They wont be relocating the people at my site, but it was nonetheless interesting to watch the black and white movie.

One new cool thing is the rebirth of my towns Comite de Deportes. Everyone wants to start work on repairing our towns soccer field, which is right now just a piece of semi level land with alot of dirt and no grass. At our meeting last week we setup the 8 person comite, assigning the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, etc. Then a couple days later we had our first meeting and EVERYONE showed up. Many other volunteers complain that people don't show up to meetings but that really hasnt been a problem in my town. For the most part all the meeting I have been to have been well attended. People in my town really have a desire to better their community and selves. Right now we are looking into who owns the land the soccer field is on as well as coming up with organizations we can solicite many from. We also want to get some new uniforms for the soccer team. Overall, I am really proud of the formation of this new group and I look forward to working with them on future projects.

My English classes have been going very well lately. I have had to date over 20 english classes with my 1st through 6th grade class and around 17 english classes with my Kindergarten class. I am very proud of their willingness to learn as well as their skills in retaining the knowledge which I am teaching them. I remember I started to only learn spanish in 6th grade, right now I am teaching a foreign language to children from kindergarten to 6th grade. After my training in San Jose I learned some new games and skills to teach my classes. I have begun playing some classic games like "Papa Caliente (Hot Potato)", "Simon Dice (Simon Says)", and some other learning games. The children seem to be enjoying themselves as well as learning alot.

Yesterday I was attending a Junta de Educaccion/Patronato Escolar Meeting (sort of like PTA meetings) and we were talking about the donations we recieved to rebuild the kindergarten class, as well as construct a new general purpose class room. Right now we are in the planning phases of that and getting price quotes from different builders for the constructions. We also recieved a $1,000 USD donation to fix up our "cafeteria" aka room with a table and cooking supplies. Next Monday is "Dia de los Ninos" which is basically "Kids Day". They hadnt planned anything yet and realized that there was no money in the account to do anything. So my host mom said she would donate money for a cake, I matched her donation, and everyone in the room said they would also. It was interesting because before in the meeting we were thinking about fundraising ideas, and then 5 minutes later everyone in the room just flat out donated money. Then my host mom/counterpart went to collect food and money from the people in the town, that night she returned and said she recieved alot of money as well as donations from everyone she asked . Something I have always been proud of in my site is the sense of community which exhists in my site. It is a community of around 200 people but everyone knows everyone and everyone supports everyone. I know that if I walked down my street in my hometown of New York and said I was collecting money/food for a school party it would be a different story. A) People would think I was probably weird B) I wouldnt really know the person that lived 5 houses down from me and C) I bet maybe 1 in 3 would actually give me something.
What also really impresses me is the level of commitment everyone has in my town. People are commited to helping one another as well as their community as a whole. If someone doesnt have enough food, then we give them a live chicken to slaughter. If a neighbor down the road needs a ride we help them out with our car. As well the participation of the community members in meetings and comittees that help their community is amazing. People here seem to have a greater physical, mental, and emotional vested interest in improving their community as a whole than many communities I know of back in the US. Everyone plays a part in developing the community.

Anyways last night when I was teaching my 9 year old host sister to play chess, I was in the middle of my move when all of a sudden I heard my host mom screaming and running out of the house calling my other host brother. It took me a couple of seconds to complete my chess move until I decided to see what she was yelling about. I got up from my seat and went outside to see a HUGE ball of flames erupting from the side of my house. The plastic covering from our fuse box somehow caught on fire and was melting and dripping plastic fire as well as blasting sparks left and right. I immediately went to the sink and filled up a pot 3/4 filled with water and ran back to douse the ball of flames. The flames went out with that one bucket of water and the emergency subsided. For the rest of the night we didnt have electricity. Overall it was pretty wild, and our house could have easily burnt down if we werent there at that time. We just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

Anyways that is the latest here in Costa Rica. My dad is coming soon and I am very excited to see him after not seeing anyone from home for over 6 months.

Also I have changed my blog name from the exciting Rudolph Becker's Blog to the even more exciting: The Tuanis Times.

Adios Everyone. Respect and Tuanis.

Fotos for your pleasure :

Bre and I posing with fish we caught with out bare hands.

Me flying in Montezuma.

More Flying.

Group shot in Montezuma.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Good to hear everything is well. That beard is really sick. Sounds like a really good thing your doin' down there, keep it up bro.

Best Wishes,
